
Hello, my name is Byam Trotter and I am the Founder of Trotter’s Independent Condiments ltd. I started the company back in November 2009 after I had finished university. I graduated in event management the same year but job hunting was not successful. The recession had hit the industry, and more people were being made redundant than hired.

Meanwhile, Mum and Dad had been on holiday in Italy where they came across a delicious condiment that they loved called Mostarda. Mum tried but failed to find a manufacturer in Scotland, so instead she found a recipe online and whipped up a batch in the family kitchen.

I had wanted to start my own business and work for myself from a very young age and it was at this point in my life I decided to just go for it. So mum taught me the recipe and I began manufacturing from my parents kitchen In Fife, selling it at the local Fife farmers’ markets, Farm shops and Delicatessens. Trotter’s Independent Condiments was born.